Share URL to other users and apply filters

  • Goal: Share a URL with filters on it to another user and whenever the user opens it it loads the page with the filters initialized with those values.

  • Steps: We have the URL params set, and it works when we share the edit URL, but when we try the user view it doesn't.

  • Details: So we have a table with different views and those views with different filters, so if i filter my table in view 2, for example, i want to copy that URL with the filters and view 2 so other user can copy and paste it and it will open it in view 2 with the filters set.
    Right now it works with the editor links, but with preview and user view it does not and whenever the url is copied it goes to the default values.

Hi @AdrianGM ,

Do you guys have different environments? like staging and production?

Yes we are in the same enviroment, its a custom enviroment.

We are working in a branch that isn't main.

So probably that's the problem. In the preview and user view is not using the latest version you guys are working now.

After much testing, we tried making a new App with just an input text component that sets both label and input through url params and it works perfectly, so i guess its a problem with one of the components we are using in the other app.

Basically we have a container with a table and then a headerNavigation, and for some reason when we paste a Url with a viewKey different than the default it just loads the default view and the filters are set also to default values.

Any idea as to how this works?

Hi @AdrianGM,

This could be a good issue to discuss in office hours if you're free on Tuesdays or Thursdays 11 am PT

Otherwise, screenshots, an app JSON, or a screen recording would help narrow this down

Its ok we found our problem, basically we didnt know that the url params are taken from whats commited on the remote repository, so thats why whenever we tried to test things that we changed in the editor it didnt work.

Thanks for the responses!

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Thanks for following up! :raised_hands: