Setting Multiselect Component Values from a Retool Database

Hello Retool community,

How can I set the value of a Multiselect component when the value comes from a database?

I have a form that includes a Multiselect component with a data source from tbl_countries. I'm storing this form’s data in a table called tbl_datasources, and another table called tbl_datasource_countries stores the selected countries.

This is my table design:


|id | code | name|
|--- | --- | ---|
|277 | US | United States of America|
|278 | GB | United Kingdom|
|279 | CA | Canada|

|id | code | name|
|--- | --- | ---|
|6 | EFX | Equifax|
|7 | TU | TransUnion|

|id | datasource_id | country_id|
|--- | --- | ---|
|1 | 6 | 277|
|2 | 6 | 279|

The form automatically sets the values using {{ tableDatasources.selectedRow }}, but this doesn’t seem to work with the Multiselect component that uses array values.

As a workaround, I temporarily added a button that sets the value of the Multiselect component when clicked.

I'm considering adding a custom script or event handler to automatically set the values for the country and region Multiselect components when I open the form, but are there other better ways to achieve this?

Thank you!

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Hey there @kim.barcelo,

I've seen this happening before in the past, not sure why the form doesn't always captures it. Have you tried using "Default value" right below the mapping settings, i.e. {{table1.selectedSourceRow?.multiselectdatasourcecountry}} ??


It works, thank you so much!


Great to hear!