I am building an app for a data I have on Google Sheet. I have fetched the data from my Google Sheet and displayed on the table. I am working on to add a search bar to my table where I can search for a specific terms from multiple columns (I can say two columns to be more specific).
To achieve this I tried to leverage Query JSON with SQL resource where I filter the data I fetched from the Google Sheet. But, the where clause doesn't seem to work as expected - it keeps returning empty data for a reason I don't know.
I am using the below query:
FROM {{ getPartsTranslation.data }}
WHERE LOWER(part_name_en) LIKE LOWER('%{{ textInput1.value }}%')
I have also added the data I am working on for your reference:
"part_name_en": "Shock Absorber",
"part_name_pt": "Amortecedor",
"part_name_fr": "Amortisseur",
"hs_code": "8708.80.16.00",
"drive_side_specific": "No",
"alternative_names": "Shock, Shocker, Dampener, Suspender",
"links": "WIKI",
"category": "Suspension"
"part_name_en": "Filter - Oil",
"part_name_pt": "Filtro - Oleo",
"part_name_fr": "Filtre à huile",
"hs_code": "8421.23.00.00",
"drive_side_specific": "No",
"alternative_names": "Oil Cleaner, Oil Element,Hydraulic Filter",
"links": "WIKI",
"category": "Engine"
Thank you for your time!