Scaling Components to Screen Resolution

Can components be adjusted to adapt appropriately to different screen resolutions? For example, on a 3440x1440 or 4K monitor, there’s a noticeable gap due to scaling, whereas on a 1920x1080 monitor, the table component fills most of the canvas. Is there a way to utilize the additional space on higher-resolution displays?


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HI there @OLR,

Have you tried using the stack functionality of the containers. You can define with pixels both width and height, so that it persists regardless of screen resolution. I use it constantly and it works like a charm.

Hi Miguel,

Thanks for taking a look at this, do you have any examples? I have seen the new stack container but have not taken advantage of it.

Another Example is a map we are using that would be great to take full page height without scrolling on both 4K and 1080 monitors.

I put the map inside a container with stack enabled.

on 4k

on 1080

Not sure with the stack enabled if we can make both just take full viewport height essentially?


Hey @OLR,

For this specific example are you using a custom component?

An option would be to use a container and use the expand content to fit functionality. This would make the component within the container cover the whole container, regardless of the size of the screen. The same can be done for the main frame where you can add a single container and fit it to the frame:
