Saving cells in editable columns

Hello there,

I have a table with editable columns. I created 'Bulk update' query and it runs successfully when I edit any cell text. However, the small box with 'cancel' and 'save' options does not go away when I hit save after editing a cell. If I click 'cancel' on that button, the edits made also go away. Nothing gets saved. I am attaching a screenshots for reference. Why is this happening? What am I doing wrong here?

I'm using APIs and not an SQL database, so this may be different, but I was running into similar issue. My API call would actually go through, so when I clicked cancel, everything would be good.

Try adding an event handler on the query to refresh the table on Success. That made my save prompt go away and show the new results.

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Hey folks! Just want to let you know that this is in fact a bug and the dev team is looking into it. I'll report back here when it's fixed!

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same problem, any updates?

No updates yet @Leonardo_Melendez but I can add your +1 on the issue to the internal ticket that exists for it.

Any progress on the update?

@Akshita_Ladda the team is still looking into a fix for the issue, but it can be resolved by adding a success event handler to either clear the changeset or re- fetch the table data (as @vinnie mentioned)

Hope this helps as a workaround in the meantime!