Hello, I'm trying to add a new file to a Retool Vector on the cloud however every time I try to add a new PDF I get the following error: Error generating embeddings Error creating embedding: Connection error.
I've tried with multiple files from different browsers, the same error appears if I try to add plain text. I assume there's a disconnect in the service somewhere - is there any way to report this so it can be fixed?
Hi @rstrauss! Welcome back to the community and thanks for reaching out.
I'm not able to reproduce the error on my end, which at least indicates that it isn't a widespread outage. Figuring out exactly what is causing this may be trickier, though. I assume you've been able to successfully create new vectors in the past?
Broadly speaking, this could be an issue connecting to your AI service or to the vector database itself. Do you know if you're using the default AI integration or a custom one? You can check by navigating to https://your-org.retool.com/resources/retool_ai, if you're not sure.