Retool University Update

Hi all! I wanted to provide an update on Retool Education and Digital Badging (think: badge icon on your LinkedIn profile) and share progress we have had underway since March.

There's been interest from the community in this area, so I'm excited to share more about what's coming in the future. In March we launched a Beta education portal where we invited various customers to access course content focused on Developers, Admins and Architects with supporting labs, curated videos, blogs integrated with a digital badging service. With the initial feedback we are working on improvements to help streamline onboarding, making the Retool education portal fully self-service and available for all Retool users in Fall 2024.

Stay tuned! We really look forward to offering this structured Retool learning portal later this year. :brain: :rocket: :hammer_and_wrench:


Great initiative. Looking forward to the self-service portal!


Great idea! Do we have an idea for how many hours of content we'd have available? i.e is this similar to something like a google certificate?