Retool Public App - Error "Authentication Failed – Missing User Token”


I am using a public app embedded into salesforce which utilises the new retool storage option.

I am getting the following error when people try to use the tool's upload feature - Authentication Failed – Missing User Token”.

Any ideas how I bypass the authentication error? all they are doing is uploading a simple excel, seems highly excessive if I need to make them all users to just use this feature in a public app?


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I agree. Seems, for now, to use the Retool storage feature, users need to have a Retool account and be logged in.

I also find this requirement to be excessive, and I wonder if Retool is pushing us to use more "Retool Users" in order to increase their revenue. See also Retool to end support for creating password-protected Public Apps

I'm genially worried.



Hi! I'm an engineer on Retool storage. We currently don't yet support using Retool storage from components in public apps but do allow running storage queries in public apps. As a workaround, you can very well create a Retool storage upload query and wire it up with the uploader component to upload files in a public app. We're actively working on component support in public apps and expect it to be out in 2 weeks. Sorry for the inconvenience here.


Hello @himanshu,

Thank you for your great work on Retool Storage, and thank you for your reply. Appreciated!

Looking forward to testing Retool Storage on a public app!



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Can you elaborate how to implement the work around, do we need to set the Retool storage as a addition resource and not using the present Retool storage resource already available?

We've rolled out public app support for Retool Storage in components (except table image support) as of yesterday, so unless you're using it for the table viewer component - you should be able to view this. We should have table support by next week.

The workaround was creating a retool storage query and using the Get file query and passing the file object to your choice of component, but you might not need this workaround any more. Let me know if this is unclear - happy to cover more details here if you have a specific use case.

Hi, can you send me the link to that (public app support for Retool Storage in components)

Hey Avner! I don't believe we have any docs for this, but we're working on getting this to function on all orgs (we've already started the roll out). Do you have any specific questions I can help answer for you? :slight_smile:

Hi Himanshu, I have just tried to try this feature and had the same token issue as per my original post.


Can you share which components you use in your app that use Retool Storage?

Here is a snapshot from a blank public report using the filebutton1 to Retool Storage. Of which doesnt work when in a public setting.


Yes. Uploads aren't yet supported. We're hoping to resolve this in December.

We now support public objects in Retool Storage! This is done for both public apps and in the form of public URLs. :tada:

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