Retool Forms vs Public App

I have spent no more than 10 minutes with forms so I’m a little concerned I’m going to sound ignorant here :blush: but I’m scratching my head at what the use case is with these

We could use some simple forms and Forms would be much better than what we have in Hubspot, but the functionality here is dramatically limited compared to app building…. So why wouldn’t I just build a form in an app and make it public?

I’ve also never made an app public and maybe it’d as simple as availability for different plans? (we are on Business Plan and cloud version)

Is there an advantage to using Forms for this that I’m missing?

Hello @Mike_DeKock!

Great questions, I agree we can definitely improve our documentation to better highlight the difference between the in-app form component and a Retool Form as well as a pros and cons list. Maybe I will end up making it :sweat_smile:

From my understanding, the in-app form component will give you much greater control, granularity and integration with any other business logic or features that are built into your app.

The stand-alone Retool Form is much more modular, simple/quicker to set up and in essence a sharable link that will post to your DB. You can add/connect this to workflows for automations that don't need the interactivity of a full app.

As well as redirecting to another page on form submit, which can be branded to fit your business, and also rebrand the form itself, giving it further use cases for white labeling/uniquely styling if you don't want users to know you are using Retool (we love when you share that you are using Retool).

Another major tool for the stand-alone Retool Form is the 'Responses' tab on the bottom left, which can be very useful for keeping track of form submit events, their information and gives you various abilities for exporting this data, converting it to a retool app and filtering the data. These are shown on the right side of Responses.

These three options are very popular for forms and I imagine we had a ton of using having to repeat/reproduce these features on their own and potentially running into bugs/inconsistencies so we gave them the option to have them built in. If you want to still implement these but highly customize you can do so with an in-app form component.

Both should be available to you and not have any cost difference for your plan!

Hopefully that helps and let me know if you have any other questions :sweat_smile: