Building Retool form for check request

We're looking at replacing our existing online forms and was wondering if Retool can do the following.

Calculate mileage based on different rates?

Setup the form to be sent in order to different people? (End user gets a copy when it's submitted, then manager gets notified to sign and then after that it's sent to fiscal for processing.)

How are digital signatures handled?

Ability to lock form once it's signed by the person submitting the form?

Retool Forms tutorial

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Hi @Carlton_Whitmore, Welcome to the Retool community :tada:

In Retool forms, we can't modify component-level event handlers to calculate mileage or rate of value change. However, we can use workflows to calculate mileage or rate upon form submission. Additionally, digital signatures can be integrated, and workflows can handle multiple form submissions. As for locking the form, Retool doesn't provide that functionality.

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Thanks @ZeroCodez for the reply. We currently use a system that automatically locks all fields when the user signs the form. Would it be possible to setup a submit button that would also change all fields to read only?

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Hi @Carlton_Whitmore! Welcome to the community. :slightly_smiling_face:

I'll echo and elaborate a bit on what @ZeroCodez has already shared. The important thing to know about the Forms product is that it is primarily just a lightweight frontend that sits in front of complex business logic.

As such, most of the functionality that you're asking about can be easily done via a workflow that gets triggered upon form submission. You can definitely perform calculations on submitted data, persist it to a database, and even send subsequent emails. I'm less familiar with strategies for generating digital signatures, but workflows allow for the utilization of both JS and Python libraries so you should have plenty of options.

The biggest caveat I can think of is the fact that the form itself is a public endpoint and thus not associated with a particular user. This means that it's not really possible to lock the form on a case-by-case basis, but you can reject/filter submissions based on whatever criteria you want.

I hope that helps! Let me know if you have any follow-up questions. :+1:

Thanks for the clarification @Darren

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