Retool as Request Tool

Hi @Milan_Kalem

I have create a "Feature Request" related to the fileDropzone.

Today the client send us task with attachments on an e-mail.

Question is: Can ReTool be a front-end solutions as a "Request tool" that can replace the e-mails?

Hi Thore,

You can send emails from Retool. There are several options, but here are some examples:

Hi @Tess

I'm testing retool self-hosted to see if this can be a easy fix for my support / services department to use without going trough our IT department, product managers, change management board and development department etc.

I don't want e-mails.
I want Clients to send me his request rrough a "Request Tool" that I'm now trying to create. Instead of client sending me e-mails. For the Client e-mail is easy for him, but for us it is time consuming and person depended.

Client sending me E-mails (some times with attachments and / or with Link / URL)

My so called "Request tool" can also be a "Project tool"
Project eg. Setup new server
Each project has X number of smaller tasks. eg:

  • Task 1: Install Linux - x hours - status - how to see url....
  • Task 2: Install ReTool - x hours - status - how to see reTool.doc.
  • Task N: UAT.

Question is how can Client send me task with Attachment?

  1. Create easy to use Request form using reTool - done (60%)

  2. How to transfer files from client to me without using other storages then the one we have.

  • OneDrive - not supported
  • On our server that runs ReTool (self hosted on) - not supported
  • Setup www.min.Io on our servers and use S3 - need IT operation and IT development.
  • Create REST API - need Product Managers and IT department.
  • Store the pdf file as Base64 in DB. - Can do, but how to open the file.
  1. How can I open the Base64 pdf files?
  • Convert Base64 to file on our server, can create a schedule job the convert Base64 to files and update database - need our IT development etc.
  • use PDF Component to show the pdf files based on Base64 as source. - Need some testing.

Hi @Thore I think this is doable with our form component :+1:

If you can't use a OneDrive api, an existing DB, etc, could you use Retool Storage for the files?

You can display base64 files in the PDF component:

For example,

Hi Tess

I'm using the free version of Retool self-hosting.

As it is not possible to add our local HDD as a resource. The DBA in our company have create a new database for me so I can store the files as Base64 as a workaround.

  1. SQL query get my data from the database
  2. Files is showing in my table6:
  3. User select selecting file / row in my table6
  4. User is presented with the pdf file content in the pdf component:

I have a error in my code.

{{"name:"+table6.selectedSourceRow.filename,"type:application/pdf","sizeBytes:"+table6.selectedSourceRow.filesize,"base64Data:"+table6.selectedSourceRow.filecontentbase64 }}


I do not know what I'm doing wrong, can you see the error?

Hi @Thore,

Can you change the PDF source to the "URL" tab instead of "JS"?

Then, try this code:

This worked. thanks.

I tested this code as a url on file. it did not work.

It would be nice if the download option in pdf component was available in the table.
