Sending an app as a PDF with Retool Workflows - Quick Demo

Hi there! My name is Lizzie and I'm the product manager for Retool Workflows. In this quick demo I will show you how I went about sending an app as a PDF systematically with Retool Workflows. We've heard a lot of interest in this use case to send PDFs of a Retool dashboard via email, so we wanted to share it here in case it inspires or unlocks something for you in your building process!

Sending PDFs of Order Dashboards with Retool Workflows - Watch Video

Check out the Workflows section for support in building this or other Workflows use cases!

Hope this helps!



Thanks @lizzie! This is super helpful - would definitely be interested in a JSON of the application to use as a template. Can you post it here?

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Of course! Here's the app and the Workflow :blush:

Dashboard_Notification_Workflow.json (16.6 KB)
OrderDashboardApp.json (309.8 KB)

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Hi @lizzie ,

Thanks for this helpful tutorial. Is there any reason why child components might not be showing up following a similar workflow? I'm also finding the scale to be pretty wacky in the pdf that is generated.

Let me know your thoughts, thanks!

Hi Gregory! I might check out which components you are including in the serialize page step. In the example app, I exclude some components, so wondering if you may have accidentally copied that logic. As for the scale, could you provide an example of the code you are using to generate the PDF? Maybe an app export would be best if possible!