fileDropzone component has name, base64Data, type and sizeBytes values, and if you inspect the state you can check that out when you drag the file into the component.
You can set the max size in the validation rules to limit the number of bytes combined files can have.
As for the previewing the data, you can set a list view or a table and use fileDropzone as a data source. Alternatively you can use a variable and set the fileDropzone value to it. Then you can use the variable as a data source, and filter out the results using the table action.
That is because the table is referencing the variable as a data source. Seems like you cant setValue to dropzone component, but you can still use the variable value for any kind of manipulation/upload etc.
To my understanding, you can not pick to remove specific file from drag and drop zone natively, and the process above is passing the values from dropzone to a variable so you can manipulate it further.