Retool AI not fetching vectors in chat response!



I have several chatbot apps that are now rendered useless for the past 10 days because the vector storages are not being used when generating response. Every time a prompt is being sent to Retool AI, it's the plain gpt-4o answering without any added embeddings.

When changing the action to generate text of Retool AI, it works and vectors are being read by the component. Generate chat response yields nothing.

CleanShot 2024-12-04 at 10.18.54@2x

Hey @Usman_Shani - looking into this now, will post an update shortly.

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Hey @kent . Are there any updates on this issue?

Hi @Usman_Shani,

Thanks for checking in. I checked on this internally, and it looks like our on-call team has a fix that is set to ship to Cloud later today

@Usman_Shani & @Tess fix is now up on cloud v3.125.0-f71282f (Build 217226)

Please let me know if you're still having any issues.


Hi @kent, looks like it's working again. Thanks a lot!

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