For me it still does not work no matter what I do and how I test it.
It has been a week trying to get a custom chat agent off the ground but does not seem to work no matter what I do. The vector database does not work, and the chat component does not work with my own API connected to the openAI assistants.
Probably the only solution is to build it from scratch which will be cumbersome to say the least
This and this were my last hopes. Anyone any ideas, suggestions, directions to explore that are not using listviews and repeaters to bake a half workable component?
Checking internally, we had a bug with Vectors + generate chat actions that was picked up by our on call team. They have shipped a fix. Are you still seeing issues with it today?
Sorry, had a couple of hectic days. I will test today and Monday and confirm if we still see the issue. The problem was the vector was not used. So I have been working my way up the Retool ecosystem and developing a chat component from scratch but that will take some time to work properly with OpenAI Assistants. I will come back early next week on this.