Resource Level Error Messaging

Hey team :wave:

One really useful feature could be setting default messaging for Failure/Success on a resource level.

Let's say you've got a API that returns JSON object with {error:{message:"Failure x"}} it would be extremely helpful to set some defaults i.e. error.message is default error otherwise display error message.

This can currently be accomplished but would require updating across all queries/QL/apps for these messages to be customized and over time with APIs change you're bound to re-do it.

Having this at resource level would immensely help maintain codebase.

Thanks @stefancvrkotic! I've shared this feedback internally -- definitely agree it would be super helpful :slightly_smiling_face: I'll post here with any updates that I get

Hello ! I'm also interested by that since we're using Retool with our own API
It'd make the errors much more readable for our users and more maintainable for the developers.

Is there any news on that ? Is there any plan/roadmap ? :pray:

The request is still in our backlog, so no update yet, but I'll note your +1!