Allow for Custom Failure Message

I think it would be helpful if one could specify a custom error message, similar to how a successful message can be adjusted.

One potential solution would be to offer this field by default and fill it with self.error, so users know the default error message that is shown.

Please find below the part I am discussing:

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While this is not natively possible in the Response section, you can already do this using a success handler > show notification in the General section – not as clean, but works :slight_smile:


Hi @emozio,

Could you share an example? What condition would you want to trigger this error?

I am testing this out with a dummy query, so we can share the feedback internally. I have a blank SQL query that doesn't return anything but is technically successful. To throw a custom error message instead of triggering a success handler/success notification, I make my error condition to trigger a custom error message if the query property is empty:

Thanks for your suggestion, @nikita_from_bunch! Agreed that could be a workaround :raised_hands:

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Hello @Tess,

That's indeed the behavior I was looking for, except I wanted to specify a generic error message, rather than relying on specific conditions.

But I didn't realize how I could leverage that existing functionality.


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Ah glad to hear!