Reorderable list

I'm utilizing the reorderable list component, which allows end-users to organize and save images via a button. As the name suggests, it's a list of images, which can become quite lengthy with 40 photos. Is there a way to display the list more horizontally or in a grid format using the HTML render function?

{{ => '<img src="' + line + '" style="width:380px; height:250px;"/>')}}

Or should I consider using a different component for reordering the images and saving them? A table is another form of image list.

Anyway, thanks for brainstorming with me!

Great question! We don't support grids in the Reorderable List component at this time.

One solution is to create a custom component.

You can also try using a grid and allowing users to select an image and move it's position using events and buttons, but that may get complicated.

Happy to help!