Reload Event Function

Can we have a reload event to attach to an action, like updating db or API requests. When the request is successful you can attach the reload event and set debounce so after few seconds or milliseconds as preferred the page reloads to reflect the new changes to the page.

Hi @Nasirullah

Thanks for reaching out about this! In the case of updating a db or API, we'd typically recommend adding a success event handler that triggers the select/get request for the data (in order to refresh components with the new data) - like this example in our docs. Would that work for you, or does your use case require reloading the entire page in the browser?

If you want to reload the page, you could add a success event that opens the app's url - just be careful to only do this on a manual query that isn't triggered on page load:

Hi @Tess
Thanks for this, I'm using this method already just thought it's hectic when you have many update actions in a page and there a lot more pages that have these actions.