PDF Exporter not working

I've updated our selfhosted retool in test to 3.114.1 and started verifying the working. Unfortunately I ran in an issue with the PDF exporter. It's raising an error:

Cannot read properties of undefined ('reading data').


There are a couple of old posts about this and it seemed to be a bug.
It's a bug again or something on my side?


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Same issue here since update to 3.113.1 selfhosted

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Hi there,

Thanks for reaching out! I am able to reproduce this bug. Our team is looking into it! I'll follow up here when I get an update

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Hi @Tess ,

Thank you. I do see a release 3.113.2 from yesterday at docker hub. Does that one contain the fix?

I can't find the detailed changelog anymore on docs.retool.com, only the changes between 3.75 and 3.114.

In my opinion, the updates.retool.com from months ago was much more useful and a lot quicker to access.

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Hi @mbruijnpff,

Unfortunately, no, this fix hasn't shipped yet.

Do you mean release 3.114.2? If so, you can toggle on "All changes..." in the docs and compare 3.114.1 -3.114.2:

Thanks for the changelog feedback! :disappointed: It's taking me some time to adjust to the new format, but I think it'll ultimately lead to improvements in consistency of notes and clarity for upgrades. :crossed_fingers: For some context on why our docs team made changes, they are hoping this new changelog format (as shown in the screenshot) will make it easier to compare patch versions, improve docs searchability, and consolidate the pages users have to read through to understand differences between versions

Hey folks, the fix went out on 3.114.3.

As we are chatting about the changelog, unfortunately, I don't see this specific bug fix noted in the changelog, but I'll check in with our team on that

Thank you Tess, although not noted in the changelog, the update did fix the issue.