Option to remove internal padding in list view component

When using a list view, an internal padding is added, and I couldn't find a way so far to remove it.

It gets in the way when building dynamic forms and makes the app look a little sloppy:
CleanShot 2023-05-10 at 21.44.57

Maybe this isn't the right way to build dynamic forms? Still, I can think of other situations where the internal padding got in the way.

Hi @Vincent_Garrigues Thanks for reaching out! We have an internal feature request to add the ability to customize (or remove) listView padding. I'll post back on this thread if I get any updates about this feature shipping

In the meantime, I agree the listView is the best approach for situations where you need a dynamic amount of a particular component (form or otherwise)


The new listview component has padding & margin controls, as do most components now :blush: