New Table - Menu Button

It's urgent to implement the ability to add a Menu Button, as floating buttons have been outdated for a while and are practically impossible to use on mobile devices with a touchpad!

Hi @peregrinus Thanks for the feedback! We're actually working on this feature already :raised_hands: It is being rolled out to Cloud organizations now

You'll have the option to keep using the current UI for action buttons or store them behind a menu button:


The same problems as with the Dropdown button component and new Button Group - the width of the dropdown menu window. The functionality is there, but it's IMPOSSIBLE to use!


And secondly, please finally make it possible to have a button on the screen PERMANENTLY, not just when hovering over a line. The hover option is outdated and extremely inconvenient to use on tablets and mobile devices!


Hi @peregrinus

Thanks for the feedback!

We have settings for controlling the action width under Appearance->Advanced:

We've filed your second request! Will keep you posted when it gets picked up