New Table column with event handler not showing up as 'clickable'

In the new table, typically when you add an event handler, it makes that value a clickable button, with a grey background hover effect and cursor, to indicate that it's clickable.

I have 1 column that isn't working for - and can't figure out why. It is the 1st column in the table, and the primary key - but I tried disabling it as primary key and moving it around to a different position with no result.

Any idea why?

This explains what I mean - trying to get that hover effect with the first "ID" column:

Hello @shawnhoffman!

May I ask how you added the event handler to the column? Could you post a screen shot of the column's inspector with the event handler open?

Does the event handler run, but the issues is they grey background on over does not appear?

I would guess that you hunch is correct, the table still thinks the column is a primary key and is treating it differently. I just tried to reproduce the bug, however I was able to add a confetti event handler to a tables primary key and it shows the grey background on hover :face_with_monocle:

Have you tried re-generating the columns?

In that video you linked, it looks like the cursor hovers over 'Year' in the inspector panel (on hover shows ... and x) and then hovers over "Try our preset SchoolAI options!" text box in a side pane (on hover has blue outline) which of those is the desired effect for ID column?

Hey @Jack_T sorry, that image was a Loom and I guess it rendered the thumbnail gif but not the video itself... here's the link which shows more details:

We've got a lot of FE logic going on so I'm hesitant to regenerate the columns... I'll keep playing around. It's not an existential issue, but certainly better UI/UX for users to clearly see that it's clickable.

@shawnhoffman No worries, thank you for sharing the video!

Super helpful.

First though was regarding the icon to the right of the ID and left of the "First Viewed" column, it looks kinda like this :people_hugging: with a yellow hue. Is that another column without a column header?

Have you already tried removing the on triggers, removing the column as a primary key, doing a hard refresh and then and adding in something like a confetti on click to see if the UI might have just not fully removed the Primary key flag that might be blocking the column from being clickable/displaying the hover CSS?

Very odd bug, my gut is telling me the Primary key designation is lingering/interfering with the desired behavior :sweat_smile:

I'll give it a try - not a huge priority for us, just kind of annoying.

The icon is actually a status indicator we're using to flag duplicates.

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Thanks for understanding!

It is very odd that it works for all the other columns.

My hunch was that the status indicator icon might be confusing the table. How are you adding those to the rows? It looks like it is sharing a column with the ID.

If I can reproduce it and have ID and status icon in one row and that changes behavior to prevent the hover over shadow then I can send it to our eng team to take a look at!

Thanks @Jack_T - see the image below. It's just the standard status indicator being shown based on a specific condition of that currentSourceRow (the SuperAdmin is just to hide it from other users while we're testing things out).

By keeping the label itself as a null value, I was able to get just the icon. Hope that helps explain it a bit.

@shawnhoffman thank you for the info and I hope you had a good weekend!

I tried to reproduce by adding Status Indicator to ID columns in a table, and the grey background did appear on hover. Still stumped as to why the same isn't working for your table :sweat_smile:

But it seems the Status Indicator likely isn't the cause....

I just rewatched the loom video and it appeared there was a 'mergeDuplicateModal' Event handler on the ID already. Have you already tried removing that/all events, hard refresh then adding them back on?


We were able to just create a new column and give it all the same settings, then changed ID -> ID_old (just in case) and hid it, while making our new column ID, and it seems to be working as it should. All set for now -- appreciate you looking into it.

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