We're excited to announce that box shadow styles now have official support in the Retool theming system!
From the Changelog entry:
Retool now provides the ability to add and customize shadows on most app components.
All users can customize the default shadows in app-level themes. Enterprise and Business plan users can customize and add shadows in organization-level themes.
Three default shadows are provided: low, medium, and high elevation. Users can also create custom shadows, which use CSS box-shadow syntax.
As noted above, shadows use CSS syntax for maximum flexibility and interoperability with existing design tools. We hope that this will help Retool developers implement beautiful designs with high fidelity and a great developer experience.
This feature is available on Retool Cloud since version 3.157, and will be included in the next Stable self-hosted release.
Please feel free to leave questions or feedback in this thread! Cheers and happy building.