New IDE Shortcuts - Shift and arrows for text selection

Just enabled the new IDE. Adjusting but seems much better already.
There is a rather annoying shortcut assigned to "shift + left/right" arrows that make selecting text super annoying. Is it possible to override the default editor shortcuts?
Surely I'm not alone in selecting text with the keyboard.


you can try to set new shortcut here, I haven't tried but I think it can be done.

Again, pressing backbutton a thousand time in a night is very annoying. Also there should be a shortcut to rename (ctrl + r) maybe ? after duplicating (ctrl +d ) a (ctrl +r) is needed :sob:

Another thing I would love to see if possible is floating window / undock to new window. This is because if you open code editor + component sidebar + preview all three then it becomes scroll view , so if we could undock than it could be shifted to 2nd monitor.


another thing I noticed 'ctrl+U' is used for inspector collapse but ctrl+U is default view source for chrome/brave (browsers in general) so every time I try to minimize/ maximize this opens page source ( :smile: )


Plus one for this, this is absolutely killing my workflow. On windows most users will habitually be using shift + ctrl + arrow keys to select multiple text one word at a time, it is a fundamental windows shortcut. Would think that Retool should avoid shortcut keys that many of us have had burned into our synapses for 30 years. Currently Retool uses this to shift to the next query


I reported the shift arrow bug 6 days ago on the Slack IDE Beta channel and it was reported fixed the next day. It is working for me. Refresh and confirm it is not working for you.

If not, maybe I am getting the latest dev version since I am on the Beta and they forgot to push it to release.

ctrl+shift+arrow still changes code , not select word for me

Ah, Ctrl-Shift-Arrow. Did not catch that you added Ctrl.

That is a new shortcut to me. I tested a few Windows programs (Notepad, Visual Studio, Word) and ctrl-shift-left/right does select a word. Up/Down is different by app.

Yeah, it seems like that should be changed out in Retool

Yeah the way I understand it (and this is true for Notepad, Word, Powerpoint, Chrome, Edge, even within a cell in Excel):

  • shift + arrow = select in that direction
  • ctrl + arrow = jump one word, or one line
    and therefore
  • shift + ctrl + arrow = select and jump one word / line

It's my fundamental text / code editing workflow, and has been for 20+ years, and probably for 100Ms other windows users, so I'd say it's the wrong shortcut combination to overwrite.


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This is SUPER ANNOYING!!! (To the point that I couldn't stay in the new ide, even though it looks amazing! :pray:)
on mac I also use option + arrow to jump one word and cmd + arrow to jump to the end of the line...


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Hi all, :wave:

We really appreciate your feedback here! Thank you all for chiming in. I shared this thread internally with the team that owns the new IDE

We don't currently support overriding shortcuts (I've requested this feature though!), but here are the current updates:

"shift + left/right" arrows

This should be fixed now! Please let me know if you're still experiencing issues

floating window / undock to new window.

I have requested this internally! I'll reach out if I get any updates

'ctrl+U' inspector collapse

I don't have a fix for this quite yet, but I've bumped the request internally :crossed_fingers: I'll reach out when we have a fix

there should be a shortcut to rename (ctrl + r) maybe ? after duplicating (ctrl +d ) a (ctrl +r) is needed :sob:

I have requested this internally! I'll reach out if I get any updates


I see some comments from mid-July so I wanted to check in. :thinking: This should be fixed now! Please let me know if you're still experiencing issues. The fix should have gone out to all of Cloud on Jul 20th (Retool on-prem v3.6.6)

We'll continue to iterate on the IDE feedback, so please let us know if there are any other ideas or blockers :pray:


Hi Tess - just to confirm (belatedly) - this is indeed fixed, just cleaning up my Forum posts!
