Max connections

I have been evaluating Retool (cloud version). Today I began going through a dead-simple Retool/Redis tutorial. It has a Redis-stored JSON array object with 15 employee names, and 3 other attributes. It has add employee, update employee and delete employee buttons. In all, this simple page uses 23 connections loading the page, and when I hit "refresh", it maxes out my 30 max connections and will not finish the page refresh. Is there really no solution? I am wondering how this can be of use to anybody. Please let us know. Thank you.

Hi @David123,

Thanks for reaching out! Could you share a bit more info about your app so that we can look into it?

How many queries are running on page load? Does the app crash?

Does the app already have end users or are you still testing your use case?

Hi Tess! Thanks for responding. One query running on one page that has only one table on it. The connections is still a problem, but if I wait a few minutes, the connections free up. I have a much bigger problem. I’ll explain it, and hopefully you can advise me. I’ll keep it super simple:

I issue the command, “Keys *”
Redis correctly returns the list of keys, each key name representing a client having a number of attributes (e.g. "Company", "City Street", etc.)

Two columns:
Company Key (e.g. “ACME:123”) FORMAT: { }JSON | VALUE :{{[i]}}
Company Name (e.g., “ACME Inc.”).

The Company Key column is correctly populated. I cannot figure out how to get the “Company” value into the second column.

Would you please provide guidance?
Or anybody else?

Thanks to all!

Hi @David123 This second issue sounds like you might need to add a mapped value to the column. For both issues it may help to see some app and error screenshots

If the keys are changing dynamically, you'll either need to "Regenerate columns" from the table inspector:

or use dynamic column settings