Listview maxHeight not working inside modal

Goal: I am trying to set up a listview with within a modal that contains several other componants so that the listview is scrollable but the modal itself is not, similar to this.

I have set the max height for the modal to 80vh using custom CSS, and have set the listview height to auto and the max height to 65vh in the component pane, to no effect (the scrollbar remains on both the modal and the listview). I have tried changing the max height of the listview to different numbers and changing it from vh to pixels with no effect, as well as various configurations of custom CSS, which either do nothing or make everything much worse. If I copy the listview from the modal onto the main canvas, max height works properly on the copy, but not the original within the modal.



There's also a weird gap at the bottom of the listview where I can't get the componants that are supposed to go immediately below it any closer:


Ideally, the buttons at the top and the buttons at the bottom would all be visible at once when the modal is open.

Hey @LindenKel! Thanks for reaching out.

It's a bit challenging to understand the exact nature of your problem without additional context, as I'm not able to reproduce similar behavior on my end. Are you able to share a JSON export of your app with hardcoded query results?

Or drop by office hours between 11am-12pm PST tomorrow (12/5)?

Sorry, I no longer have a JSON export that will show this problem. I ended up replacing the listview with a PDF viewer to show the report as generated in instead.

To clarify, though, what I was trying to do was have a modal frame that would expand to almost the full height of the page if necessary, and put a listview inside it, but to only have one scrollbar, rather than a scrollbar on the modal frame AND a scrollbar on the listview.

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