Json Schema Form uiSchema widget RadioWidget doesn't display Radio Buttons

  • Goal: I'm trying to set a radio button field in a Json Form using Json Schema Form's RadioWidget

  • Steps:

  1. Create a Json form
  2. Set the following Json Schema:
  "type": "object",
  "title": "Test",
  "required": [],
  "properties": {
    "anwsered": {
      "enum": [
      "type": "string",
      "title": "Answered"
    "description": ""
  1. Set the following ui Schema:
  "anwsered": {
    "ui:widget": "RadioWidget"

The result should be the following:

As we can reproduce at react-jsonschema-form playground.

But in retool, the radio buttons are not displayed:

Am I doing something wrong, or the radioWidget is not supported ?
If the radioWidget is not supported, can we have a list of supported widgets ?

Thanks a lot,

sorry, I don't have anything to help out here but I wanted to say thanks for linking that nifty tool :sweat_smile: :sunglasses:

Hey @Matthias_R using radio seems to work.

Let me know if that works for you!

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Thanks a lot !

It works on my side, do you know why in retool it's radio but on the jsonschema-form docs it's RadioWidget ?

Glad it worked @Matthias_R! I can look into that, honestly I Googled 'jsonschemaform radio widget' and it brought me here to docs which have the radio syntax.

Thanks for that, I missed this page on the documentation.
That should definitely do the work !

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