Issue with Maintaining Version Control for Imported Apps in Retool Multipage Setup

I recently set up a new multipage Retool app, using the sidebar for navigation, and imported existing Retool apps as individual pages. My expectation was to keep each imported app linked, so I could still update and version control these apps separately. However, it seems that importing them only copies the components and queries into the multipage app, rather than linking back to the original apps.

Is there a way to import apps as pages while keeping a link to the original apps for separate updates and version control? Or is the current functionality limited to duplicating apps within the multipage setup, with no option to sync changes back to the original apps?

Hi @Dmitry_Belousov, welcome to the forum! :wave:

There's no way to handle versioning for each page, just for the app as a whole.

Many pages in a multipage app still constitute a single app; think of it like a React SPA (Single Page Application). The ability to import apps as pages into a multipage setup is designed to help users easily transition from multiple individual apps into one multipage app, significantly improving performance.

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