Is there a way to find out who created the resource and is there a way to find the credentials used for the resource

We have a PostgreSQL resource and it is failing to connect in one of the environment (Staging). When verified with the platform team, got to know that the database does not exist on staging.

If we know who created a resource, did he point the resource to one running on QA is not known. Unfortunately the audit logs do not provide the details for resources. Is there a way to find out the past history of this resource?

Question 2. Is there a way to recover the credentials of the resource (username/password) in retool.

"Unfortunately the audit logs do not provide the details for resources. Is there a way to find out the past history of this resource?"
I don't believe so.

" Is there a way to recover the credentials of the resource (username/password) in retool."
Is this a retool database or your own? If a retool database
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otherwise you would need to change it in your own environment and then update the credentials in the resource pointing to it in Retool.

If it is critical for your staging environment, and the db has been removed, I think you can create and provide new credentials for the db instead.