Connecting Retool to Heroku Postgres Database

Hey, everyone!
I've recently come to know retool and wanted to adopt it to create an internal visualization tool to track the information on my database.

This is my situation:
App hosted on HEROKU
Heroku Postgres for the DB

After creating an account, the steps to add a resource seemed quite simple however after identifying the DB I also had to

"Ensure the database has allow-listed the following IPs:


Additionally, I don't fully comprehend how to use/manage the SSL Certificates in this situation.

Thank you in advance for any help! : )

Here are some images that might be relevant:

Do you have access to the DB in Heroku to be able to whitelist the IP ranges as indicated? If not, you need to reach out to whomever dose to let traffic in from those address ranges.

As for SSL, Connect a PostgreSQL database | Retool Docs is probably the place to start.

Yes, but I don't know how to whitelist the IPs inside HEROKU.

I'm not a Heroku expert, but this looks promising: Connecting to a Private or Shield Heroku Postgres Database from an External Resource | Heroku Dev Center