Introducing Drawer Frames

Are there any plans to support Drawers in modules? Lots of my apps are repeated processes for different internal products so I use a single module to create these apps, meaning Drawers can't currently be used for any of the apps in question.

Drawers will be available on mobile soon! Thanks all for your feedback.

@Milo We're also looking into supporting Drawers as well as the new Modal frame in modules. I'll update here once we release that feature. Hope this helps!


Drawers are great, but I'd love for it to be able to be a bit bigger. I have a drawer that previews a PDF, and it is too small on width to scale correctly


Hi @Tim_C, understandable! We have this noted as a feature request and will update the thread when this is released.


Drawers are now available within modules :slightly_smiling_face::

This update should become available on-prem in 3.26


Thanks @Tess!

Will be used this week ;). Thanks

Hi, Do you plan to give the option to decide the direction?
Other feature should be the one to give the chance of adapt the content while drawer is open

We have bottom & left side drawers on the roadmap, but I don't have an eta quite yet. Can you share more details about your ideal use case? Thanks @TECH_ALMOND


Left side comes up from left-handed mouse / trackpad users. I'm right-handed, but I'm told that lefties prefer to have a left-side drawer.

The top drawer I would use like a dialog / popup. The drawer can be preferable when the needed width makes a dialog unwieldy. That's just my opinion. I could be wrong.

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+1 for left sided drawers!


Would love to be able to change a setting to use a left-side drawer instead or right-side. Main use case would be for a navigation menu.

I was thinking about adding some sort of menu icon on the top left of my app header. When clicked, it would open the left-side drawer and display links to other apps or external sites