Introducing Modal Frames

Hey everyone! We're excited to announce a follow up on Drawers that's going to add even more flexibility to your Retool applications – Modal Frames!


Modal Frames can be added and toggled in your app just like Drawers, giving you more control over your app's user experience. Yes, this means no more buttons, unless you want one :grinning:

With the power to control visibility, you can now precisely manage when your modals are shown. This opens up a whole world of possibilities, including the ability to create and manage blocking modals – perfect for those use cases where you need to grab your user's attention or prompt them for important actions.

stepped container

To start creating Modal Frames, head over to the component tree and click the '+' button next to Frames.

Add modals demo

As always, your feedback and feature requests are incredibly valuable to us, so please don't hesitate to share your thoughts in this thread.


Beautiful, no more graveyard of unwanted Modal Buttons.

Thank you


Nice. Will be in use this week ;).

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2 posts were split to a new topic: Request to support frames in list views

2 posts were split to a new topic: Can I launch legacy modals from new modal frames?

2 posts were split to a new topic: How to set the width of a modal frame?

2 posts were split to a new topic: Support for event handlers in modal friends?

3 posts were split to a new topic: Modal frames in modules [now supported!]

:mega: Hi again, everyone! Happy to announce that frames in modules is now ready for beta testing! :mega:

Please share you domain name if you'd like me to turn this flag on for your org. As always, please send us feedback -- you can reply to this thread or DM me.

What version will this be released for On Premise?

Checking on that for you! Will let you know once I hear back

@Justin_Brodowsky If our rollout goes well this week (:crossed_fingers:), we'd expect this to land in 3.26!

How do we convert existing modals to these? I can't move the contents as having the two "modals" viewable at the same time is not possible.

Unfortunately we don't have an upgrade script at this time.

The modal frames are breaking our apps.

Please roll-back to before the modal update. Queries and components are breaking. This needs more dev and QA.

Hi @Stanley_Stancavage. Can you tell me more about what you're experiencing? It'd be helpful if we could reproduce this on our end so we can understand what is going wrong. An export of your App JSON is also very helpful.

Would like to see an XL size - Large is ~1/3 of a 32" monitor
Would love to see custom sizing

Currently when you turn off the "Close when clicking outside" option, it works but you're still able to click and interact with components outside of the modal. This leads to unexpected behaviour, especially if someone selects another table row or presses a button.

Would be nice if other components on the page were automatically disabled or un-interactable if this option is turned off :slight_smile:

Just flagging that other users have had the same experience as @jamierossiter Modal dialog, how to disable the user to click the background UI component - #6 by pyrrho This may be indeed an easy fix for the retool team

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