In App Documentation is not working when a sidebar frame is active

  • Goal: Display In app Documentation icon in our app but especially when a new user opens the app

  • Steps: We've looked into posts on this forum and the documentation, but were unable to find why our documentation isn't appearing on apps with a sidebar

  • Add documentation to web apps | Retool Docs

  • In-App User Documentation

  • Details: On apps without a sidebar, the documentation loads normally, giving an intro pop up and the menu icon is present through out the experience. With a sidebar, the documentation icon disappears and the initial documentation message doesn't appear.

  • App json export:
    Untitled (4) (1).json (195.6 KB)

Hi @Daniel_Fleuranvil - I was able to repro your bug. It looks like the documentation icon is still present on the page, just obfuscated. I can also confirm that the modal does not appear.

I've filed this bug with the product team. We'll follow up when a fix is on the way!

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