How to force version for users

Right now, if there is a bug and I fix it, I need to tell our internal users of the app to reload that app in order for this fix to apply.
Is there a mechanism that forces reload of the app for all users?

Version and deploy workflows

Hi @Damian_Ferencz, welcome to the forum! :wave:
I noticed you linked versioning and deployments for Workflows. Is your question related to updates on Apps or WFs?

If this is in fact for Workflows, once they are deployed, any trigger would run the latest deployment.

In the case of Apps, we don’t have a way to force reloading but we do have force logout, which will invalidate every session. Once users log back in, they would see the updated version:

This option is under Advanced Settings if we are logged in as an admin.

Thanks Paulo!
This is useful info.

Our organization is still small (60 people) and we can afford using this hack from time to time.
However, I recomend this feature on the specific app level.
When a release contains breaking changes, its risky and error-prone. We have to notify every potencial user of this app to reload the page.

You are welcome! :slightly_smiling_face:
Thanks for your feedback! I’ve created an internal feature request to force a reload on all users after a new release is published. We'll update you here with any news.