How does the comment component store data

Hi all! I have some questions about the comment component.

  1. Where does the comment component stores it's data?
  2. Is there a way to see this data all at once? Not in a Retool app, but like peek into the db or something.
  3. Is there a limit to how many comments can exist?


Bumping this as I have the exact same questions. Would be cool if basic information like the above questions were documented: Comment | Retool Component Library

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Did some digging on this one, it looks like ReTool themselves are storing the data on their database somewhere. I believe this is the case by watching the network activity when creating or deleting a note will show:

Create -

Delete -


You could probably query the database using their API for it however it's not documented and it is most likely locked down to an API key or IP.

Still need confirmation from the ReTool team for the rest of your questions and to confirm if the above is correct.

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Hi Tommy,

Thanks for digging into this! I had the same assumptions, that it was stored somewhere in Retool's own databases. I agree that confirmation from the ReTool team would be great. Maybe we can message them directly?


Hi there :wave:

All note components and their comments are stored in tables in the underlying DB which you have access to with an on-premise deployment, but not on our cloud offering. There is not a set limit to the # of comments.

We have an outstanding feature request to add a way for you to access the comments programmatically, but I don't believe this is on our roadmap quite yet. For cases where you need to query the comments or have more control over them, we typically recommend creating your own custom solution with a form + listView or a custom component.

Hi Tess,

Thank you for the explanation! We definitely want to build or own solution, but the built in component is a great workaround while we do that. Understanding how it works helps a lot!.
