I'm really trying to figure out how to highlight a cell when a comment is left on a table with a Comment Thread. So far, I have this code chunk in my comment block's Thread ID. It allows me to make comments, but I'm not figuring out how to actually highlight a cell so I can quickly glance over a table and know when someone leaves a comment. There is very little guidance on how to manipulate the Comment Thread option since it's so new. Any guidance would be so so appreciated. Thank you!
As you saw from this post I'm doing something similar to what you want to achieve, i.e. adding a small indicator with the number of comments available for that given row.
Here's my setup.
I have a table in my database for comments. I store information as user who submitted the comment, which app, info about the object, etc. The important thing is that in your db your saving whatever Id you will use to then map it to your row.
I use the comment thread event triggers to insert a new record
I have a query to pull all records from this tble that runs both on page load and upon a new record being inserted from the comment thread
Within the column where I want the icon to appear, I added a status indicator: see below example where getComments.data is the query mentioned in the number above