Hide Summary Row Label on Table

Hey Team,

When we're using summary row it would be nice to have tags be hidden or values display fully.

You'll have a column with 6-7 digit numbers and summary row is unreadable unless expanded to fit the SUM/AVG or other tags.

Screenshot 2024-03-19 at 13.01.52

Hi @stefancvrkotic, we just created a FR to allow hiding the label of the "Summary Row." We'll keep you posted with any news on the development of this feature. :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi, the summary row on the new table shows SUM 12,000 on a column that has enough horizontal room, when the column is too small for this summary value it now displays as SUM 12,... however, I rather see the value than the ... and as much of the value so 12,000 without the SUM first before munching up the sum to 12,...
Thanks !

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Than you for your feedback, @teeleh2! I added it to the internal ticket we have for this FR. :slightly_smiling_face:

I also need this, and since it's not available yet, I'm using this custom CSS to remove it:

div[data-subcomponent-id="Summary row"] [class^="_label"] {
  display: none;
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