Help a newbie create his dream

  • Goal: I'm a teacher and want to create a app that displays a individual task flow to my students.
    In my head I have the big picture of what I want, but with no coding experience I'm trying with trial an error to create my dream. But now I'm stuck and need some feedback to go further...

  • Steps: I have an educational Retool account and my student and colleagues will log in to Retool thru SSO with their gmailadress.

I made already 2 apps
app 1: Takenbord (The app that all my students can use to view their tasks)
app 2: Beheer (The app where my colleagues (the teachers) can add tasks and manage the students, classes and groups.)

I use the Retool database and made these tables

  • users
  • tasks
  • classes: Here teachers can make the different classes: 1st grade, 2d, ...
  • groups: Here teachers can make in each class groups like: math group1, math group 2, language group 1, ...

In my app "Beheer" I already managed to make a table of each database. I made a form to submit a new item and made a form to edit each item. All that is working well.

Now I'm stuck in linking all data together and viewing it to my students. I searched for information and found a lot of difficult solutions, but not that solution to keep it simple. So I'm hoping for someone that can point me to this simple solution...

How can I make it possible to show a logged in user in the app "takenbord" a list of only his or her tasks?
This is what I think is the best solution:
The teachers fill the users database with all the needed info of their students. Each student has an unique email address.
The teachers can link the student to separate classes. In each class they can make separate groups to differentiate and link task on a quicker way than always linking all separate users.
Teachers can add tasks and select to which separate user, classes or groups of users the task is for.
When a student logs in thru the SSO we can show them a list of tasks that are linked to the logged in users emailaddress.
The student can open each task and read what it needs to do.
We would like to see that the student is able to change the status of the task, so the teachers can see which tasks are started, which students needs help with their task and which tasks that are finished.

Problem: Is this way of thinking correct?? Is the users emailadress the unique id to make classes, groups and link it to tasks so a logged in student can see his or hers tasks. So I'm sure that the base of the app I'm creating is OK and I can work further.

Can someone please give my some advise on this? Thanks a lot.

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You can run a query when the page loads and select all tasks associated with the student email address.... it is difficult to say how you should do this because while the email is unique, if it changes, you could run into issues... I would, for each student, ensure that that each has a unique id whenever their initial data is entered and then use that unique id for any tasks associated with that student.... not knowing the relationships you have already set between tables makes it difficult to put into words what you should do.

Hi there. This is not a direct answer, but if you decide to add some deeper collaboration functionality, like Files, Chat, Messenger - that sort of thing, let me know.

We have quietly launched our collab components for Retool and I am looking for some pioneers to work with. It might be of interest for your specific app and I would be happy to give you all the support you need to integrate.

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Hello @JelleB!

This sounds like a very complex app :sweat_smile:

I would say most of these features are possible, or have work arounds/similar functionality to build something close to what you are looking for.

It seems like you might be wanting to hire someone to help you to build things out. We have an option to buy professional services for app building as well as a developer network for finding builders to hire.

The forms are more for very specific questions related to modular parts of an app that you are looking for help/advice on building.

Also the 'Discussion' section of the forums is great for high level project architecture for finding the correct way of thinking to break down and solve problems using Retool.

Happy coding!