Getting Retool to save screen column widths

I am testing my app from an old laptop that I have. It is working with Windows 10.

On my development computer, I found that if I changed the column widths of a table that Retool "remembered" the widths, so next time I came back to the table, it automatically showed the column widths that I had before.

I see that my laptop does not behave that way so I have to reset the column widths each time I come back to the table.

I have tried to find a way of saving the screen format but I can't find a way of doing that.

Any suggestions?


Hi @mdsmith1 it sounds like you're running into this existing feature request. It's currently not possible to save/persist a specific user's preferred column width settings. I'd recommend following along on that Feature Request topic!

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I think it is possible but the User needs to go into edit mode, make the changes and go out of edit mode.

Its not a good solution but seems to be the only solution.


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