I think you need to access the data from whatever is actually making the select statement. If that's a query called getData you'll be able to access it via something like getData.data.@mFIELD[0], though I'm not sure exactly how that will work with the user-defined value (@mFIELD) or why you'd even need it.
From the example you posted, you should be able to just change you query to SELECT Field1 from Storage03 LIMIT 1 and then access the value as getData.data.Field1[0]
Get rid of the @mFIELD1 line in your SQL, so your query in retool should just be select Field1 from Storage03 LIMIT 1
I don't know the name of that query in retool, so I'm still going to refer to it as getData, but replace future references of getData with whatever name you've given that query in Retool.
Change the "value" in your success handler to {{ getData.data.Field1[0] }}
If that's still not working, you can try setting the value in the handler to {{ getData.data }} so you can see the full structure of the returned value and then decide how to grab the data you want.