Forms and table from DB not holding up

Hey, so Forms is extremely buggy.
its acting up and not connecting properly to the DB, suggesting weird datatypes, not saving the changes in names on components, at somepoint I saw before my eyes 2 columns disappearing from the DB being used.
latest error is that I keep setting the DB table on my form and if I navigate away it drops it and leaves it unconnected.. I mean I did change the name of the table from untitled to something else.. but now its not recognising it.. like ever..
Also the response summary is clearly not matching the table schema.
Of course if I rename the table Untitled it sticks and works. but ofc. that is not what I want

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Hello @Pablo_Perez!

Are you referring to the Form-component from app building or the stand-alone Retool Form?

Is these issues happening on a mobile app or a web app? Are you using Retool DB?

Hi! Im using stand-alone Retool Form, I am using webapp and yes also retool DB where I see the issues

@Pablo_Perez Thank you for the details!

That is very odd that the form is not able to pick up the table when you change the name from 'Untitled' to another name that it no longer recognizes it :thinking:

And this persists even after you delete the Form, rename the table and then generate a new table?

Is it possible for you to share a video of the Form's behavior so that I can reproduce the steps to catalog the bug?

If you can find any pattern to what causes the columns to disappear that can help me track down the bug :man_technologist:

Also are you self hosting retool, if so what version are you on?

What data types is the form suggesting and what is the schema of the DB? If I can track down a pattern to the discrepancies we can better debug this issue with the Form.

Can you share the 'response summary' with me?