Form Submission

Hello Guys
I'm new to retool

and I have a problem please
I created a new database for clients

after that I connected it To my database. still not sure if I connected it in the right way :grin:
but it worked !

anyway ..

my problem is that after I add a form to add my clients info (first name , last name )
and made my submission button working data is going empty and sometimes after some testing its going as NULL

what I figure it out that I need also to connect my fields too with my table (
even thought I generated my form from my table should be already connected
? )

so how should I connect them ??

  • if there is any error is there a debug console for example for the same issue am facing so I can relate to the error and fix it ?

and why should I need to refresh my page every time to check data if its updated or not ?

that's all thanks

Hi, you don't need to refresh your page.

Here id debug entry of debug.

You also can hover the variable to see the value of viriable

Hey @Burak! As @AnsonHwang shared, there are multiple entry points to the debug tools. Definitely let me know if you are having any issues getting that to work / navigating the tabs.

I'm not 100% sure on the issues that you were seeing. Are you able to give a little more context on what you are attempting to do and what inconsistent behaviors you are seeing?
