I've tried the firebase template, then successfully switched to my firebase account.
Now I want to edit the customClaims property, however it doesn't work.
Hello @nodueck! Do any other Firebase updates work? Curious to see if we should dig into the query itself or if we need to dig into the resource connection first.
Also, curious if this action counts as updating elements in an array (rather than just updated a single aspect of a user).
Currently, I think Retool only supports single element updates and we have an internal feature request to support updating arrays.
Hi @victoria I encountered the same problem, and letting the custom claim value as a single string does not work as well.
I tried to use Firebase - support for the custom claims edit - #18 by choward232 post's db.auth().getAuth() but it does not work as well, and it will generate a ReferenceError: createPool is not defined error
Can you help me check with the eng team that if admin.auth().setCustomUserClaims can be added as a firebase GUI mode function ASAP? Thanks!
I am confused why you are getting ReferenceError: createPool is not defined, can you share the raw query? Are you referencing a createPool object from somewhere with out it being instantiated?
We can look into a feature request to add in the functionality of admin.auth().setCustomUserClaims to the Firebase GUI mode if needed as well!