Expand Content to Fit bug


I'm currently developing a multi page retool app with custom react components, each page being its own component. On the container for each page I've selected Expand Content to Fit however it causes the page to jump around erratically. I've tested and looked at any styles that may interfer but still having the same issue.

Link to demo https://totallife.retool.com/apps/8235d606-b727-11ef-b66d-877f9c600a0e/Fillout%20-%20Test/page1

steps to reproduct

  1. If it doesnt happen automatically, just resize it slightly

Hey @Gouled_Jeelal,

Your link is to a private app, any chance you are able t oprovide a video, or a zip file for youw app to be uploaded ?

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Hi I was able to fix it, instead of just draging the custom component onto the page, I made a container, expanded that, and then imported my custom component into that


Glad you have a solution, @Gouled_Jeelal. I am able to reproduce this internally. Our team is investigating a few edge cases where the UI can jump around like that. We have a longer term plan to fix it with css; I can follow up here if I get any updates internally