Expand all rows for table using group by

Is there any way to have all groups expanded by default when using the group by feature in retool table?


+1, and pls add method to expand rows, such as expandGroup(indexs/keys)

:wave: Requested this internally! We'll post here if our team picks up these requests

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+1 for this


Hi there! We just added an expand all grouped rows by default setting to the table :slightly_smiling_face: You should have access to this now, if you're on Cloud Retool, and in a couple of weeks if you're self hosting

We're still tracking requests for more specific expand + close actions, but hope this helps for the time being!

FYI, there is a bug with this

Expand groups by default resets the table causing requirement to group rows by again, with expand groups by default pre-selected

Thanks! I'll reach out when this issue is fixed