Embedding and blocked iFrames

We are bedding a public Retool app as iFrame into our website (cloud-Retool, not self-hosted, i.e. no own subdomain). We had a customer with issues, where it didn't work, probably because of their iFrame policies. Is it possible to embed Retool without iFrame? Even react-retool or embed.js seems to just do it via iFrame.

Hey Rafael!

Other than ways that you would embed a webpage, there isn't any way to directly embed the source code inside another platform. If the security settings on the website specifically target iframe tags for some reason, you can also try an embed tag to see if the behavior is any different:

<embed src="YOUR_RETOOL_URL" width="800px" height="600px" />

I also had trouble with the embed code snippet, but I managed to get it to work by changing the iframe source to the public app URL.

If you're using Wordpress, you can download an iframe plugin and use the public app URL within the shortcode.