Email Component / Select or Multiselect

Hey Team,

Similar to how table currently supports email column and surfaces current instance users it would be nice to have component support the same where we could use multi select or select component to pick users from the current instance.

Screenshot 2024-06-03 at 23.27.16


Additionally perhaps Avatar component should support this functionality considering it could natively display users Full Name and Profile Image.

Hi @stefancvrkotic, I'm going to bother you one more time for more context. :sweat_smile:

I don't think this is possible on Cloud unless the data source is set to the response from a GET request to the Retool API (/users ) available on Enterprise plan. On Self-hosted, admins can query their own db.The Select or Multiselect component should be able to handle this if the Data source is set to the query that gets users from the org.

A workaround is to create a db table with the emails and other info from our users. If we have this, we could definitely query such table and set the output as the Data source of a Select or Multiselect component.

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Pretty good workaround with API just an thought considering table has that behavior Iā€™m sure we could expose the same data to components natively for ease of use :raised_hands:

I think this will work aside from non-enterprise deployments!

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We created the FR to include the image url in the response of Retool API list users endpoint, as well as an endpoint to update the image to a new one. I'll update you here with any news. :newspaper:

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