Edit App button > Ability to jump to edit a specific App Page vs having to navigate to it once in Edit Mode

Development time saving suggestion:

Edit App button > Ability to jump to edit a specific App Page vs having to navigate to it once in Edit Mode

Currently, we have an app with a Tabbed Container and 3 tabs with linked Views. Each time I click Edit, I am taken to tab 1 / main page. I would like to be able to select, when I click the Edit App button, which page I'd like to edit instead of having to manually navigate to it each time from tab 1 / main page. This sucks up a lot of time waiting to get back to the page I need to edit.

Hey @bwdsl!

Thanks for posting the suggestion. This may be too much added lift but you can try saving information about the current app state to localStorage which persists between editor and preview mode. You can set a change handler on your tabbed container to set a value in local storage that determines the current view:

Then have that be the default value for your container (with a backup in case it hasn't yet been set).

This can be used for more than just a tabbed container as well!
edit-tab (1).json

Thanks Kabirdas, that's creative, however, this is really more of a feature suggestion, as I think having it be 'built-in' to Retool as a drop-down selection when I pivot to Edit from Preview would be win for all your users to speed up switching time required during dev.