Dead Query in the Query Library

Not sure what happened exactly but I ended up having a dead query in my query library.

By "dead", I mean when I click this query in the list of queries in the query library, nothing happens. I can not see it, edit it, deleted. Clicking all other queries works fine.

Anyone knows why or how to get rid of the dead query?

Hey there, @Wei_Chen :wave:

Thanks for your post. Sorry to hear it's not working as expected.

I'm going to dive into this. Are you able to send any screenshots or a video recording in the meantime? Additionally, what version of Retool are you working on?

The last query: REST list_transactions is not clickable, or nothing happens when clicked. The item is not even highlighted.

Thank you for this, @Wei_Chen! I'm curious what version of Retool are you working on? You can see this information under your profile avatar in the top right corner. Also, are you hosting your retool instance on cloud or self-hosting?

We've seen a few similar instances of this issue, but getting all these details will help us narrow down the best course of action. :thinking:

Also, after you built this query- were you ever able edit it or was it immediately inaccessible? Can you also send a screenshot of your browsers console and see if there are any errors present upon refresh and an attempt to click on the query?

Hi, Becca

The version is 3.74.0 on the cloud.

The query was initially built within an app (page). Then I try to extract it to the query library. The query seems dead after being extracted.

Hey @Wei_Chen Very strange :thinking:

Are you an admin in your Retool instance? I'm curious if it's a permission issue :thinking:

What happens if you try to open it from the app?

Yes, I am the one created the account.

I can not import into the app anymore.

I am not 100% sure but it might have something to do with, after I extracted, I tried to deleted from the app and import from the query library. (Otherwise, I ended up two queries in app and library respectively)


Hi @Wei_Chen,

I think I am able to reproduce this issue :thinking: But I'm hoping you can cross check the following :crossed_fingers: -

If you create a new Javascript query, and then change the resource type to the same rest api in the list_transactions query from your screenshot, does that resource show up under "Onboarding resources" in the app query dropdown?